Saturday, June 25, 2016

Camille Rose Battle of the Butters (The Braiding Files #6)

Hey, beautiful people!  I have loved Camille Rose’s Almond Jai Twisting Butter since the early days of my natural journey.  Then, when I discovered the Aloe Whipped Butter Gel, I really liked that too, so it was only fitting that I do a head-to-head as part of my braiding challenge.  However, since I also bought the Camille Rose Coconut Water Style Setter as part of my Black Friday haul, I decided to a head-to-head-to-head.

All three butters left my hair feeling moisturized, but they each gave my hair a different feeling.  The Coconut Water Style Setter left my hair more frizzy and feeling coarse. 

The Almond Jai Twisting Butter worked best with my hair either already damp or spritzed with water first, and it took longer to absorb into my hair.  My hair stayed moisturized longer with the Almond Jai than with the Coconut Water Style Setter, but the Almond Jai takes a long time to absorb into my hair.

The Aloe Whipped Butter Gel is definitely my favorite after this challenge, but Almond Jai is a very close second.  The Almond Jai and Aloe Whipped Butter Gel give my hair the same amount of sheen.  However, the Butter Gel is the lightest of the three butters, and it absorbs easily into my hair.  The only downside is that, despite gel being in the name, there is very little hold.

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