Saturday, May 23, 2015

Wash Day 05-23-2015 (Eco Styler Wash N Go)

Hey, beautiful people!  Today was another simple wash day.  I started off by deep conditioning overnight with the Koils by Nature Deep Conditioner.  I am really loving this deep conditioner.  It has amazing slip that allows me to detangle dry hair with no water.

This morning, I rinsed out the deep conditioner.  Then, I detangled my hair wit Herbal Essence Totally Twisted Conditioner.  I didn't completely rinse out the conditioner today because I've noticed that it really helps my hair to clump. Next, while still in the shower with sopping wet hair,I applied pink Eco Styler gel, first running it through,then using the praying hands method. 

Since I did this all on sopping wet hair, it took forever for my hair to dry.  I had it in a Turbie twistie for 30 minutes because it was dripping wet.  Then, I used a regular bath towel because the turbie twistie could not hold all of the water.  It was still sopping wet 4 hours later.

When it finally dried, it was Epic fail. I got dull, mushroom hair that flaked ALOT and it took over 12 hours to dry. I won't do Eco Styler for a wash n go again, unless it is an updo.

I forgot to take a pic once it dried. I have a pic of it wet.

Total time from wash to style - 30 minutes (end time 8:13 a.m.)

EDITED 4/3/2017 to add -- In looking back on this post, I am not entirely convinced that the pink Eco Styler gel is the culprit for my results.  It might be the process I used (which was not my typical process), or the fact that I left in Herbal Essences Conditioner (something I normally don't do).  I plan to try Pink Eco Styler gel for a wash n' go again in 2017 to see how it goes, and I will link the results here.

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